

Texture of wave patterns
勾勒在床頭玫瑰木上的海浪圖騰,是本房 型代表性的元素,線條就像裙擺舞動的圓 弧曲線,也像陽光下招手的浪花,邀您共 舞一段熱情的佛朗明哥!
Accomodal ion feature with hand made rosewood furniture, tribal hancraft which offers a classic, traditional elegance scnsc. cordinaly invite you to dance Flcminco.
Gypsy pottery
位於電視櫃上,散發一絲吉普賽風情,象 徵每個人都有愛好旅行的不羈靈魂,每 只陶甕都有上百年歷史,且造型風味都不 同,自國外購得運回,相當不容易。
Every guest room have different type of pottery which placed at top of cloekset. All pottery are purchased from oversea.
Cushion with pattern
放在床頭,色彩如同佛朗明哥給人的感 覺,活力洋溢、色彩繽紛,伴您有個絢爛 的美夢。
Placed on the bed, the colors are vibrant and with Flcminco sensations to accompany you in a colorful dream.
Twisted rope
在海權時代船隻是最神聖的武器,而纜繩 則是船隻起、下錨的重要工具,我們以此 做為床柱和天花板飾條的造型,讓人感覺 穩重又不失活潑,包覆在其中,就彷彿即 將自此展開一場浪漫之旅!
In the age of sea, ship is the most sacred weapon, and rope is the important tool for docking. We use ropes to aecessorizc bed post and ceiling to create a romantic atmosphere.
Bamboo basket
電視櫃上方的手工編製謝籃,是古時婚禮 喜慶不可或缺的容器,我們以此象徵盛裝 著滿滿的幸福,獻給每一位到訪的旅客。
Every guest room has different types of weodcn made basket which is placed at the top of clockset. The baskets come from old century in use of wedding ceremony, and we present it to our guest full oflovc.
Patchwork blanket with rose patterns
依照西班牙的習俗,出嫁的少女必須與閨 中密友一起縫製拼花被,做為陪嫁的物 品,象徵甜蜜溫暖的幸福,我們以此象徵 為每一對戀人覆蓋上最誠摯的祝福。
In spanish custom, Bridal and her close friend must hand made a blanket with floral pattern before getting married, which is the most significant of pleasure and blessing for the bridal couple.
Spears to accessories bed post
床柱的螺旋花樣,如藤蔓般向上發展,彷 彿羅馬柱支撐起房屋般,穩重而可靠,且 饒富視覺美感。頂端的兵矛造型,則象徵 捍衛城堡的武器,守護全家人的幸福。
Use an spears to accessories bed post as Rome's pillars supported the roof, which is symbol of family bliss.
Acient bronze container
電視機上的古銅器,散發著溫潤的色澤, 就如同家人朋友間的感情,總讓人心頭一 暖,銅易導熱的特性,也象徵理想大地就 是傳遞歡樂的最好媒介。
The ancient bronze container is placed on the lope of clockset which developes a warmth color, feel like family and friends. Bronze is spcctalar make heat, and symbol of joynblc in Promisedland.
Treasure box
一進門就能看到古樸厚實的藏寶箱,可當 椅子也可置物,在中古時代被廣泛使用, 藏寶箱代表航海時代的冒險精神,也象徵 每個人心裡都有個金銀島,祝福每位旅客 都能在此找到心中的寶藏,滿載而歸。
The treasure box is placed at the entrance of hotel room, which can be used as a chair or placed luggage. The treasure box is represents sailing adventure, just like every one have a treasure inside their heart. Hope every guest find their valuable treasure in Promised land.
Wooden tables and chairs
坐在書桌前,擘劃著驚人的藍圖,這就是 開創者的最佳寫照,聖地牙哥房型中的原 木桌椅,以此象徵住房者的智慧勇氣,如 同歷年來勇於冒險開創的前人。
Wooden tables and chairs in Santiago Room are symbol i zed wi sdom and courage of established predecessor.
Arts in the guest room
藝術能撫慰人心,既使是一張簡單的素 描,都能平復情緒。聖地牙哥房型中的掛 畫也是如此,他能帶來心靈上的平靜,也 顯現不平凡的藝術品味。
Art can be soothing, even a simple sketch can calm one's mind. Picture hung in Santiago Room can bestow upon guests peace of mind, and exhibit an unusual taste in art.
Lamps at Entry way
玄關是家庭外與內的連結點,門外是未知 的世界,而門內是熟悉的空間,在玄關處 掛盞油燈,隨時等候晚歸的旅人。
Entrance is the link points outside the home and within the outside is unknown world, but on the inside are familiar space, hanging light at the entrance is symbolic sign of waiting travelers to come home at any time.
Moore Maid
13 世紀西班牙格拉納達的阿爾罕布拉宮 裡,萬中選一的宮女個個儀態婀娜多姿, 細看雕像,是否覺得自己彷彿也走入當 年華美雍容的王朝。
In the 13th century, maids at Alhambra palace in Granada were one in a million, graceful and charming. As you take a closer look at the statue, you are feeling as if you were into that palatial dynasty.
Marble Lamp
設計元素源自飯店摩爾式及拜占庭的造 型語彙,粗礦的石材呈現出細緻的雕琢, 在夜晚產生特殊的光影變化,將氣氛塑 造地如此璀璨動人。
Same as the Moorish and Byzantine style vocabulary in the hotel, the solid stone presents meticulous craftsmanship, creating diversified special lighting effect at night, which makes the atmosphere so resplendent and moving.
Spanish Bronze Horse
十五世紀時專門在皇宮內為伊莎貝拉女 王及其夫婿表演的御用馬匹,透過當時 皇家御用工匠運用紅銅、黃銅及流錫純 手工等比微縮打造,栩栩如生深受女王 喜愛。霸氣十足的模樣象徵每一趟旅途 皆能自在遨遊。
In the fifteenth century, the horse is mainly for use of Queen Isabella and her husband. The vivid miniature was hand-made by the royal craftsmen, Its grandeur look welcomes your journey to the Promisedland Resort leisurely happiness.