玉蘭花 (Magnolia denudata) 木蘭目 Magnoliales / 木蘭科 Magnoliaceae / 木蘭屬 Magnolia |
又稱望春花,這花常在路邊看一串五至六朵花,一串約二十元,那就是玉蘭花,因花香清香宜人且持久,常有計程車司機當它作為天然的芳香劑。它是純潔的象徵,在古代是栽種在皇帝宮殿的花園,意為吉祥如意、富貴和權勢。 This commonly seen flowering plant is also known as white champaca. The flowers are sold in small bunches (4-5 flowers a bunch) for around NT$ 20. Its natural, pleasing and lasting fragrance makes it the favorite air refresher of taxi drivers. It is a symbol of purity. In the ancient times, this flower was widely planted in the palace gardens for auspice meanings and as a symbol of riches and power. |
Wikipedia 維基百科- 玉蘭花 |
飯店種植區域: 2棟 |