醉嬌花 (Hamelia Patens) 龍膽目 Gentianales / 茜草科 Rubiaceae / 長隔木屬 Hamelia |
原產於巴拉圭及西印度群島。主要傳媒為蜂鳥,又稱蜂鳥樹,在台灣沒有蜂鳥傳媒,但蜂蜜及蝴蝶,因花朵獨特的魅力吸引傳授花粉,也被視為一種蜜源植物。 This shrub is native of Paraguay and West Indies. The main pollination agent is hummingbird, so it is also known as the hummingbird bush. Due to absence of hummingbirds, bees and butterflies mainly carry out pollination in Taiwan. The charming flowers attract flocks of bees and butterflies; therefore, it is seen as a honey plant in the region. |
Wikipedia 維基百科- 醉嬌花 |
飯店種植區域: 8棟、6棟、1棟 |