煙火花 (Clerodendrum Quadriloculare) 馬鞭草科 Verbenaceae / 海州常山屬 Clerodendrum |
又稱煙火樹,原產於菲律賓及西太平洋群島。喜好溫暖環境,光線足。花期長達三個月,開花時聚傘狀圓錐花序,花冠細高腳杯形紫紅色,宛如高掛於黑幕上的煙火。 Also known as starburst bush, this plant is native to the Philippines and West Pacific islands. Fireworks Flower prefers warm climate and abundant sunlight. Flowering period stretches to as long as three months. Cymose panicles with slender wine glass-like corolla in purple-red color bloom like bursting fireworks. |
Wikipedia 維基百科- 煙火花 |
飯店種植區域: 1棟 |